Winter Swells in San Diego

As we move into mid-September, the highly anticipated winter swells in San Diego are starting to roll in, marking the beginning of an exciting surf season. While many associate fall and winter with hunkering down indoors, for surfers, it’s the time when the ocean truly comes alive. At San Diego Surf School, we’re gearing up for this dynamic season, and so should you!

Here’s what you need to know about surfing during the San Diego winter swells and how to prepare for the colder water, bigger waves, and overall experience.

Winter Swells Are Here and Growing

Starting now, mid-September, you’ll notice that the waves are getting more consistent and bigger as the winter swells make their way toward the coast. These swells are generated by storms farther out in the Pacific, and as the season progresses into the colder months, the waves become even larger and more powerful.

For both beginners and experienced surfers, San Diego Surf Lessons during the winter months provide a unique opportunity to tackle stronger, more challenging waves. If you’ve been waiting for the chance to improve your skills, the San Diego winter is the perfect time to do it.

Why You Need a Thicker Wetsuit

As the winter ocean conditions change, so does the temperature. While the sun may still shine bright in San Diego, the Pacific waters cool significantly, especially from October onward. To make the most of your time in the water, it’s crucial to suit up with a thicker wetsuit.

A 4/3 mm wetsuit is highly recommended for the San Diego winter. This thickness will provide enough insulation to keep you warm while still allowing flexibility for paddling and performing your pop-up. Don’t forget booties if you’re extra sensitive to the cold—San Diego surfing during winter can be chilly, but with the right gear, you’ll be able to stay out longer and enjoy those epic waves.

What to Expect from Winter Ocean Conditions

The winter ocean conditions in San Diego differ quite a bit from the more mellow summer months. Here’s what you should be ready for:

  • Larger Waves: Winter swells bring bigger, more powerful waves. This is an excellent time to level up your surfing skills, but it’s important to be cautious and aware of your limits. For those new to the sport, professional guidance through San Diego Surf Lessons will help you navigate these more challenging conditions safely.
  • More Consistent Breaks: During the winter, breaks tend to be more predictable and consistent compared to the summer months. You’ll often find cleaner, well-formed waves, perfect for practicing technique and honing your skills.

Winter Surfing Tips

To get the most out of San Diego winter surfing, here are a few extra tips:

  • Check the Forecast: Make it a habit to check surf reports regularly. Knowing when the bigger sets are rolling in will help you plan the best times to hit the water.
  • Stay Warm Between Sessions: While the winter ocean water can be cold, it’s also essential to keep warm between surf sessions. Bring a towel, warm layers, and even a thermos of hot tea or coffee to the beach.
  • Book a Surf Lesson: If you’re new to winter surfing, book a session with San Diego Surf School. We’ll teach you how to handle the winter swells and keep your stoke high, no matter the conditions.

The winter swell season in San Diego is an exciting time for surfers of all levels. With larger waves, cooler waters, and fewer crowds, it’s the perfect time to take advantage of San Diego surfing opportunities. Just remember to bundle up in the right wetsuit and, as always, prioritize safety.