Cyclops may be one of the least surfed waves in the world, and there’s good reason for that. Located off the Esperance coast in Western Australia (seven hours from Perth), Cyclops can only be accessed by boat. Still a fairly new wave on the surfing world’s radar, it’s got probably the heaviest, thickest lips in the world. The depth change is extreme, and when giant swells roll in, they explode all their power onto the razor-sharp coral. This causes Cyclops to take the shape of no other in the world, literally engulfing itself. Cyclops derived its name from the oval-like barrels that form once the chunky lip hits the reef. But not every wave is perfect here, and most times you’ll see a wave here that is so deranged in shape that you’ll probably ruin your pants. Even if you can find the spot, good luck trying to make the drop, and then dealing with the shallow, deadly reef below.