Although surfing has a long and storied history, it is not immune to change. As you may imagine, there are many startups aiming to take the sport to the next level. While there are several noteworthy companies, here are six startups that’ll change the surfing industry for the better.

Surf Shop Box is a startup that provides premium apparel and accessories for surfers. For $49 a month, subscribers get $100 worth of custom tailored apparel shipped to their doorstep. The Surf Shop Box website allows subscribers to choose from three different style preferences. Each monthly box contains two to three handpicked pieces.

Surfr is a what you’d get if you combined Yelp and Instagram. This startup’s app aims to provide surfers the opportunity to connect virtually. The app’s news feed provides a steady stream of wave riding locations and photos – including aerial views of surfing spots – added by users. App users are able to comment on images in the news feed. A Discover section enables users to locate surfing spots locally and throughout the world. The app also features a section to log surf time and provides suggestions for places to eat. Surfr is available for download through iTunes.

Wavecation is like Air B&B for surfers. The Texas startup’s mission is to help surfers find overnight stays in surfing destinations throughout the world, including the U.S. mainland and Hawaii. Using the website’s search feature, you can explore accommodations by specific surfing type, property type, and property specifics (i.e., nearby surfboard rentals or yoga). There’s even an option to search for non-surfing activities like golf and diving. Price per night varies according to location and season, but their price filter can help you select rentals within your budget.

The Boardcave website provides a tool that allows users to find, compare, and customize their own surfboards based on individual needs. Using the startup’s proprietary “Board Engine,” you enter the information related to your height, weight, and surfing skill level. A list of suggested surfboards then appears. You can further customize your surfboard by adding your preferred fin layout and design. Boardcave ships your finished custom surfboard to your home.

Need to track your surfing time but don’t want to wear an annoying watch or risk damaging your phone? Surfdyle has come up with a solution: a waterproof sticker decal that affixes to almost any surface. The startup’s time and temperature measuring device features a hard plastic waterproof shell, a LCD screen display, and a four-year battery life. There’s no need to worry about it being damaged in the heat either. Surfdyle can withstand temperatures up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Unlike the other startups on the list, this one is actually a non-profit. According to Beyond the Surface International’s website, their mission is to connect “youth across coastal communities worldwide through participatory media, interactive surfing, and cross-cultural communication workshops.” Surfing is the common thread used by the organization to create dialogues on culture, climate change resilience, and sustainability. Art, film, writing, and other media help to advance the discussion. Beyond the Surface International provides volunteer opportunities in Peru, India, Indonesia, and Colombia.