Surfing During a California Heat Wave: Stay Cool, Stay Safe

Surfing in San Diego during a heat wave can be a dream. The warm water, sunny skies, and smaller crowds are perfect for a solid session, especially during a lesson with the San Diego Surf School. But while the surf is calling, it’s essential to stay aware of the extra risks that come with riding waves in scorching temperatures. Here’s how to enjoy your time in the water safely while keeping the heat in check.

Stay Hydrated and Refreshed

When you’re out surfing during a heat wave, staying hydrated is more important than ever. Even though you’re surrounded by water, your body can easily become dehydrated due to the sun and effort it takes to paddle out and catch waves. Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your session. San Diego Surf School instructors always recommend bringing a reusable water bottle to stay refreshed.

Pro tip: Add some electrolytes to your water for that extra hydration boost!

Keep an Eye Out for Heat Stroke

Surfing in San Diego during a heat wave feels amazing, but don’t forget to keep an eye on yourself and your surf buddies. Heat stroke is a serious concern, especially if you’re not taking breaks. If you or someone nearby starts feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseous, it’s time to get out of the sun and cool down. At San Diego Surf School, we always remind our students that surfing should be fun—but safety comes first.

Be Aware of the Extra Heat

During a heat wave, it’s not just the sun that’s stronger. The sand heats up quickly, making beach walks unbearable, and the air temperature can be significantly higher. While you’re in the water, things are cooler, but remember to wear protective gear like sunscreen, rash guards, or even a hat while walking to the lineup. San Diego summers can be intense, so it’s best to be prepared.

Cool Off in the Water, but Don’t Overdo It

The best part of surfing during a heat wave? The ocean offers the perfect way to cool off. San Diego Surfing feels extra refreshing when the weather is hot, but it’s important not to overstay your welcome in the sun. Enjoy your session, but take breaks to rest in the shade if needed. Shorter, more frequent surfs might be the best way to handle the summer heat.

Surfing during a California heat wave, especially in San Diego, can be a fantastic way to beat the heat. Just make sure to take proper safety precautions, stay hydrated, and watch out for signs of heat stroke. At San Diego Surf School, we’re all about having fun while keeping you safe, no matter the weather.